Monday, August 23, 2010


Rilakkuma is SO KEWT
  • Chanel Nouvelle Vague & Jade Rose
  • Rilakkuma nail stickers from Tokyo courtesy of my bestest best friend ever
  • Cheap iridescent confetti
Ugh havent been blogging because I've sort of uninspired as of late... okay that makes me sound all Art and stuff but... srsly theres just nothing I have to put here. I NEED CHANGE (and random but every time I hear Change I'm reminded of this quote: Be the change you want to see in the world. Insightful?). Perhaps a new cam would solve things and I have one in mind alr :> And I need new activities in which to put the new cam to use. HMM HMM. Or maybe, I just need to say Yes to more things. Presented opportunities do not count until they are taken?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome nails! ha I'm so inspired! I want to do mine now!